Thursday, August 22, 2013

Writing is not difficult until it becomes so.  When I start to write I go until I realize that what I am about to put down due to my train of thought is no longer meaningful, and in which case I stop until I think of something worth putting down.  I always start each project with an initial drive because I immediately have a rush of brainstorms that lead to the start of each paper.  The length of time that it takes for me to write a paper depends on how long I can hold onto a well put together train of thought.  I never try to procrastinate, but at the same time I never finish the essay as soon as I can.  I know that whenever I try to complete a paper as soon it is assigned because I know I will end up being disappointed with it after I complete it.

When it comes to grammar I never worry about it until I fully finish the paper because I always worry about content and flow before anything else.  I will not lie in that I am not the best at being grammatically correct.  I enjoy writing because I like putting my thoughts down onto paper and letting others discuss it, and it does not bother me whether the discussion is good or bad as long as they are conversing with each other.  I do not, however, enjoy making sure that the punctuation of my paper is correct because I feel like I am having to revise something that personally I felt was a good piece of writing, even if it really was not that great.  I do not really enjoy writing the introduction of papers even though they are essential to the structure, but I do enjoy the conclusion because I have never had an issue closing out papers.  In conclusion, I enjoy writing and constructing papers but I hate grammar.